
Raccoons are predominantly nocturnal mammals that feed on berries, insects, fruit and small mammals. Although they live mostly in wooded areas, they adapt extremely well to urban and suburban environments where they often nest beneath decks or in attics or crawl spaces to which they have gained access and where they will raise their young.
Raccoons are known carriers of rabies and their droppings may lead to fleas and other parasites. They are extremely adept with their hands using them to open garbage cans, remove siding and even tear off shingles to gain access to a suitable place to call home. Raccoon pose a real threat to your health and property, so raccoon control services can be crucial in protecting your home and family from these nuisance pests.
Curry’s raccoon control specialists will trap and remove these critters via live trapping methods. To keep raccoons from reentering your home, our raccoon removal experts will also perform exclusions methods which entail using metal flashing, metal mesh to cover any and all possible entry routes or in some cases re-construction of the entry area. Raccoons are very resources and the experts at Curry’s Pest control have the experience to safely remove them and keep them out.