
Skunks have a noteworthy reputation due to their documented defense mechanism: a very pungent odor that repels predators and can temporarily blind. Luckily they’re easy to spot due to the their black coat and white stripes running along the center of the back and tail. Before firing from its scent glands located the base of the tail, a skunk will often warn with a “war dance” and will raise it’s tail.
While helping control unwanted pest populations, skunks are known to do harm to property like digging under foundations to take refuge beneath homes or low decks.
Skunks carry serious health concerns, second only to the raccoon in number of recorded rabies cases within the United States. The best way to control or prevent skunks from taking hold in an area is exclusion.
If skunks have already taken residence, then a call to Curry’s will let us determine where their den is and how many you’re dealing with. Curry’s will ensure that all skunks are out of the den area before excluding re-entry points.