
Snakes are usually classified as a pest species due to a wide spread fear of the animal. Although they are an important part of our ecosystem and control the population of other pest animals such as mice and rats, many people wish to have this nuisance reptile removed from their property.
Because of our climate, Arkansas is home to 36 species of snakes, only 6 of which are venomous (Copperhead, Cottonmouth, Coral, and three species of Rattlesnake). Unless you are a snake expert, you could easily mistake a harmless snake for a venomous one. Even the harmless snakes should be left alone in the wild.
Leave the removal of snake to the experts at Curry’s. Snakes need very little space to enter a home area in search of prey and are common to areas like decks, screened porches, foundation areas, garages, storage building and even inside of homes when it gets cold outside.
snake animal problemBecause they’re difficult to trap, a trained professional like Curry’s uses a pole tong and other safety equipment to safely remove snakes. Snakes are territorial when they feel threatened and are unpredictable to those who are not trained in handling them.
Do not attempt to handle a snake yourself. Please call Curry’s if you encounter a snake in or around your home.