Wasps, Hornets, Yellowjackets and Bees

Wasps, Hornets, Yellowjackets and Bees are beneficial insects, although they are generally considered to be pests because of their ability to sting. Wasps, inparticular, can become a problem in autumn when they may disrupt many outdoor activities or invade living spaces such as carports, garages or attic areas.
In Arkansas we most commonly see Honey Bees, Bumble Bees, Yellowjackets, Baldface Hornets and the Paper Wasps. It is important to distinguish between these insects because different methods may be necessary to control them if they become a nuisance. Yellowjackets, baldfaced hornets, and paper wasps make nests from a papery pulp comprised of chewed-up wood fibers mixed with saliva and usually nest in quiet or infrequently used areas. Honey Bees usually make their honey comb colonies cavities in large trees, voids in building walls, or other protected areas.
Wasp pest problemBumblebees use old mice burrows, cavities in buildings, and other locations to make their nests. Although painful, none of these insect stings are considered life threatening in small numbers. Very rarely is the case that a person suffers from allergy to their venom in which case anaphylactic shock may set in minutes after being stung. If you come across any nesting sites in or around your home, stay away and call Currys for safe removal.