Subterranean Termites

Subterranean Termites are common in Arkansas and part of the family Rhinotermitidae. In most cases, these termites require contact with the soil, whichprovides optimal temperatures and moisture for their survival.
Often confused with ants, Subterranean termites use mud tubes to connect their underground nests to above ground food sources. The wide spread distribution of this pest leads experts to believe that it causes more physical damage to homes nationwide than any other termite species.
termite swarm problemThe presence of mud tubes on home surfaces near the ground and large swarms of flying termites and are the two most noticeable signs of subterranean termite infestations. Because of their small size and the hard to access areas of active areas, these signs can be difficult to observe.
Annual termite inspections focusing on termite entry points and signs of activity are crucial to prevent costly damage.
The most common control measures for subterranean termite infestations include placing bait stations around the home and treating infested areas (direct applications to the soil and damaged wood) with termiticides. Its also important to focus on reducing moisture sources and wood-to-ground contact. By limiting entry points and water sources, you can help make it less likely termites will make your home less hospitable to these wood hungry pests.