
Ticks are common in central Arkansas and we deal with several species that are capable of spreading a variety of diseases. The most common tick we come incontact with are The American Dog tick, the Blacklegged tick (Deer tick), the Brown Dog tick and the Lone Star tick.
In their final stage of adulthood, tick will feed on a just about any animal, generally medium to large animals, including humans. They’re usually found in woody or bushy areas or in tall grass. Ticks will wait on the ends of leaves for a host to come by and brush them off onto their body or clothes.
Ticks do not naturally carry disease however if the tick feeds on an infected animal it will carry the disease and transmit it to its next host. The tick will get it from the blood and transmit it through its saliva when it bites its host. The most common diseases transmitted by ticks are Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis and Tularemia.